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Teaching- Research and Policy- Communication- Social Enterprise 



2020   ECR Teach, Continuing Education, University of Cambridge.

Participated in ECR training which focuses specifically on the key skills sought after by Higher Education Institutes in course design, teaching, assessment, and evaluation. The course combines intensive day-schools, short workshops, online learning resources, tutor- facilitated discussions and peer-supported learning.


Research and Policy


2021   Open data sharing and reuse, Cambridge University Libraries.

            Participated in this training which included a discussion on how data can be used after it has been shared publicly (and an open data), the impacts of sharing data on the researchers and others, and the essential properties of a reusable dataset.


2021   Policy writing workshop, Cambridge University Science and Policy Exchange

Participated in this workshop to improve my writing skills, particularly focusing on writing to support policy development. The workshop covered both what civil servants and ministers expect and how to provide the information they really need. It was an interactive session, which included time for Q&A.


2021  Becoming an Engaged Researcher in Policy, Cambridge Researcher Development Programme

Participated in a week-long training will focus on Public Engagement and Policy with focus on:

- An overview of the policy sector, its expectations, and of the various options that    exist for research collaborations.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      - Ways to “brand” your profile for the policy sector (CV, LinkedIn, Twitter).                                                                                          -  Concrete tips to engage with the policy sector today.



2019    Health Economics, R4HC-MENA, King Hussein Cancer Centre, Amman.

Participated in two days intensive training on health economics which covered the following:


  • Introduction to fundamental health economic concepts and their relevance for health system decision making.

  • Introduction to principles of measuring costs and outcomes of health interventions.

  • Introduction to methods for the economic evaluation of health interventions.

  • Discussion of challenges.


2019   Oxford International Summer School in Forced Migration, Centre for Refugee Studies, University of Oxford.

Participated in an intensive, interdisciplinary, international summer school on forced migration which included discussions on gender, smuggling, trafficking, refugee status determination, refugee institutions, and Palestinian International law.


2018    Public Policy Analysis, Social Science Research Methods Centre, University of Cambridge.                    

              Participated in a four-hour course which provided an interdisciplinary perspective on policy analysis, taking both an  academic and a practitioner perspective.


2017   Reading and Understanding Statistics, Social Science Research Methods Centre, University of Cambridge.

         Participated in a four-week module on how to interpret graphs, frequency tables and multivariate regression results, and to ask intelligent questions about sampling, methods and statistical inference in quantitative research.


2016      Macro-Economics, and Economics of Public Policy, Cambridge Institute for  Continuing Education, University of Cambridge.  Participated in an Interdisciplinary Summer School for two weeks in economics.


2015      Public Policy Engagement Program, University of Cambridge.

         Participated in a six-week program on public policy; developed, as part of a team, policy recommendations for an educational problem at the UK, and conducted a PowerPoint presentation in Policy Den Day.





2021   Creating Podcasts, Cambridge TV School, Cambridge, United Kingdom.

Participated in two-day intensive training workshops on podcasting which covered both learning storytelling and the technical aspects of podcasting.For more details on course content, see:


2020   Toastmasters Speakers Club, Cambridge, United Kingdom.

           Joined the Toastmasters Speakers Club to practice public speaking and its styles.


2019   Speaking to the Media, Judge Business School, University of Cambridge.

Participated in a media training on Television and Radio interview which covered the advantages, disadvantages, preparation, and handing difficult questions in media interviews.


2018   Media Training, Cambridge AHRC DTP- University of Cambridge.

Participated in an introductory course and a one-to-one consultation session included training on media interviews and how to deliver ideas well in real-life situation.


2018   Adobe Connect: Conference, Collaborate & Broadcast Your Lecturer via the web, Information Services, University of Cambridge. 

           Participated in three-hour introduction to Adobe Connect that provides an ideal solution for virtual meetings, seminars, interviews, presentation, and instructor-led courses and training.


2017-18 Advanced Filming Workshops, Personal Histories, University of Cambridge.

  Participated in two-intensive film-training courses, which helped me to learn on Premier Pro, and produce my own research films.


2016   Making Film: Media Theory and Practice, Institute for Continuing Education, University of Cambridge.

Participated in two- week course on making films, which focused on issues such as plot, casting, and story development.


2014   Learning for Purpose, Gates Cambridge Scholarship, University of Cambridge.

Participated in several professional trainings including in topics of Coaching, the Art of   Negations, Editorial writing, website development, and the Science of Listening.  




Social Enterprise


2015   Ignite Programme, Judge Business School, University of Cambridge.

          Participated in a one-week high quality training on enterprise.


2013 Enterprisers, Entrepreneurial Centre, Judge Business School, University of Cambridge. 

Participated in this three-day residential course which included trainings on team- work, business and leadership skills as well as introduced me to concepts and approaches of enterprising and social enterprising.

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