بسم الله الرØمن الرØيم
I am an interdisciplinary social scientist. I am also a Palestinian who lived in the Gaza Strip for more than 22 years. I was born in Kuwait for a family of Palestinian refugees. On 1st August 1990, we visited Gaza for a month of summer vacation. The next morning, Sadam Hussein invaded Kuwait, which was followed by the Gulf War. Since then I became a permanent resident in Gaza. I am currently in the UK (Cambridge). Read more details below:
I studied for the third year of my preparatory, and secondary school in Gaza. I also completed my BA in English Language and Literature at Al Azhar University of Gaza in 1998, graduating on the honour list. After that, I worked as teacher and trainer of teacher at Gaza governmental schools (Basic, Preparatory and Secondary). In 2005, I won a Saïd Foundation Scholarship to study for an MSc in Higher Education at Oxford University. I graduated from my master’s with distinction and was awarded the Saïd Foundation Second Prize for my distinguished academic and personal achievements. I then returned to Gaza for a period of five years where I worked as a lecturer at two of Gaza’s universities. I also co-founded two centres and, and acted as a founding coordinator of a scholarship program in Gaza.
In 2012, I won a Gates Cambridge scholarship to study for a PhD in Education at Cambridge, as their first scholar ever from the Gaza Strip and the second from Palestine. A lecturer and teacher before then, during my PhD, I studied the impact of conflict on the higher education experience in Gaza, and how this experience may be evolving in the shifting socio-political context in the Arab world. I passed my PhD with no corrections, and my research was featured prominently at the University of Cambridge. I have also produced four films from my PhD research on Academic Life in Gaza, as well as contributing with articles to academic journals and short pieces to blogs and newspapers such as University World News, Times Higher Education, and Discover Society and others. In 2018, I have been invited to join Cambridge Centre for Science and Policy as a member of their Networks of evidence and expertise.
Between Jan 2019-Jan 2022, I worked as a Research Fellow at the Centre for Business Research, working as part of the Global Challenge Research Fund project: Research for Health in Conflict (R4HC-MENA), particularly the political economy of health Workstream which focusses on in Palestine, Jordan, Lebanon and Turkey. I led the research on the political economy of health in the Gaza Strip. The report which I produced from this project was featured in academic and media outputs, and recently I have also been awarded the Gavin Reid Prize for my report by the University of Cambridge Centre for Business Research. I also produced several academic, cultural, and creative outputs from this work, which you can review by browsing my website.
I then worked as a Research Associate on Close the Gap project at the Faculty of Education in Cambridge. It is very exciting for me to use my knowledge and experience to support innovation for social and epistemic justice in postgraduate admissions at my two alma maters: the University of Oxford and the University of Cambridge. I conducted about 52 in-depth interviews with professional service staff, academics and students at 8 departments and Doctoral Training centres at Cambridge, as well as analyzed data, produced case studies, contributed to designing innovative initiatives for improving access at Cambridge, and participated in joint initiative co-design workshops. I also supervised four students for their literature reviews on race and epistemic and social justice at Oxbridge.
Currently, I am a Research Associate at Centre for Business Research and Bye-Fellow in Education and Academic Development at Queens' College- University of Cambridge.
I am looking forward for my next adventure! Stay tuned:)


B.A English Language and Literature, Al -Azhar University (Gaza- Palestine) | First and on Honour List
Photo credit: Manar al Zraiy, CC BY-SA 3.0 <https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0>, via Wikimedia Commons

MSc in Higher Education, Faculty of Education,University of Oxford

PhD, Faculty of Education, University of Cambridge (Passed with “No Correction”)
On Education
2012-17 PhD, Faculty of Education, University of Cambridge (Passed with “No Correction”)
Gates Cambridge Scholar.
Thesis (Sociology of Education): “Academic Life Under Occupation: The Impact on Educationalists at Gaza’s Universities”.
2005-06 MSc in Higher Education, Faculty of Education, University of Oxford (Distinction)
Said Foundation Scholar and 2nd winner of their annual prize for personal and academic achievement.
Dissertation: Reflections on Higher Education in Palestine: Barriers to Intellectual Dialogue in the Palestinian-Israeli Context.
1994-98 B.A in English Language and Literature, Al-Azhar University of Gaza (First & Honour List)
Research Interests
(Open to New Topics and New Connections!)
Social and Epistemic Justice
Occupied Palestinian Territories
Conflict-affected Areas
Reform and Development
Widening participation
Arab World /Middle East Region
Education and Higher Education
Political Economy
Sociology of inequality (health, education, etc.)
Oppression and Symbolic violence

Awards, Prizes and Recognitions
(Open to New Connections!)
2012 Winner of four scholarships in the same year to study for a PhD in the UK:
-Gates Cambridge Scholarship – a global and exceptionally competitive scholarship to study for a PhD in Education at the University of Cambridge (as their first ever scholar from Gaza and Second from Palestine). The scholarship was “exceptionally renewed for a fifth year” for me to complete my study on higher education in Gaza.
-Offered doctoral scholarships by Cambridge Trust, Durham University, and Bristol University.
2005 Said Foundation Scholarship to study for an MSc at the University of Oxford
1994-98 Academic Excellence Tuition Fee Exemption [for 3 ½ years of 4] by Al Azhar University of Gaza during my B.A study there.
Prizes and Recognitions
2023 Featured by University of Cambridge in their List for International Women Day #2023
Featured by the University of Cambridge in their list of women changing the world at the university:
(see: https://www.cam.ac.uk/stories/celebrating-cambridge-women-part-two )
2022-present Bye-fellowship at Queens’ College Cambridge (3 years)
2022 Gavin Reid Prize for CBR Early Career Researchers- University of Cambridge
Awarded the 2022 Gavin Reid Prize for the best paper by CBR (Cambridge Centre for Business Research)
early career researcher, for my report: The Political Economy of Health in the Gaza Strip (Occupied Palestinian
2022 Honorary Research Associateship at the University of Cambridge Centre for Business Research.
Invited for this honorary position after the end of my contract with CBR, so as continue to be part of the
Centre’s community.
2021 Global Talent Visa by UK.
Visa is given for leaders or potential leaders in academia and research, based on endorsement by the British
Academy as an exceptional promise.
2019 Vice-Chancellor’s Research Impact and Public Engagement Award, University of Cambridge.
Listed (short/long listed) for the award and featured in the award booklet.
2019-2021 Supernumerary Fellowship at Queens’ College Cambridge. Nominated for non- stipendiary fellowship for two years. The fellowship was also exceptionally renewed for a third year.
2018-present Invitation to join CSaP Network for Evidence and Expertise, University of Cambridge.
Acting as an expert, advising policy fellows from the MENA region on their strategic questions.