بسم الله الرØمن الرØيم
Consultant, European Commission
Registered as an expert on EU Commission database, a portal for receiving invitations of project consultations on topics related to my research experience.
Consultant, Bearing Witness Campaign
Invited by the steering committee of the campaign to attend their regular discussions and offer feedback based on my research and experience in Gaza: https://hexitime.com/campaign/bearing-witness
Expert and Host, R4HC-MENA Knowledge Exchange Programme (KEP)
I was invited to participate as an expert host for policy fellows from Lebanon offering one-to-one consultation sessions related to their research.
2020- Present
Founder, Director & Host of “A Life Lived in Conflict Podcast”
An interdisciplinary podcast to connect local with international experts. My responsibilities include:
Drafting themes and questions for the podcast.
Sending invitations for participants
Editing interviews on GarageBand
Publicizing the episodes
Creating voicing and actioning cards from the episode to maximize impact.
Sharing content from the episodes through posting on Twitter, LinkdIN and Facebook key statements and stories from the episode.
Reviewer, Research in Comparative and International Education Journal
Occasionally, I accepted the journal invitation to review articles that focus on Arab and Palestinian education/higher education.
Informal Advisor, Dominique Simpson Memorial Trust (DSMT), UK.
I acted as an informal advisor to DSMT on their scholarship program in Palestine, providing feedback on several issues including their work plan and vision.
Co-founder & Coordinator, Abdel Aziz Salim Jebril Scholarship Programme for Higher Education, Kolmar Group for Petrochemicals (KG)-Zug – Switzerland.
As a founding coordinator, I liaised with Al Azhar University in Gaza, and Kolmar Group in Switzerland (funding body), regarding technical and financial arrangements, and setting-up the program of the scholarship activities in Gaza from scratch. I also advertised the scholarship, interviewed candidates, followed up with scholars’ achievement, and organized social events for them. Recently, the scholarship has been named after my late father, “Abdel Aziz Saleem Jebril Scholarship for Higher Education’’ in acknowledgement of the work, which my brothers and I have invested in this programme in support of female university education in the Gaza Strip.
Interviewer & Evaluator of A-Plus Scholarship Applicants, Amideast,
Occupied Palestinian Territories.
Invited by the Amideast to interview and evaluate the applicants for their A- Plus scholarship.
Founding Member, Palestinian Association of Teachers of English as a Foreign Language, Islamic University of Gaza, Occupied Palestinian Territories.
Invited to be part of an academic team who set up this association’s mission, objectives, and activities.
Leader, British Council English Language Reading Club (ELRC) for University Students, Occupied Palestinian Territories- The Gaza Strip.
I liaised with university students and lecturers and with the British Council to organize weekly seminars, activities, and annual celebration. My responsibilities also included interviewing candidates, promoting the club, and developing it.